Crandon, Wisconsin

Water Tower 2

The City of Crandon is proud to be the county seat of Forest County, Wisconsin, at the heart of Wisconsin’s greater “Northwoods” country. Herein is a source of current information on the City’s government and weblinks to other resources about our people and neighbors. You can also find additional details about our home and its history on Wikipedia.

New Weather Station
Forest County Emergency Management and the City of Crandon Steve Conway Municipal Airport partnered with University of Wisconsin to install a high-tech weather station. Wisconsin's Environmental Mesonet (WiscoNet) Program is supported by a $2.3 million grant from the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Wisconsin Rural Partnership initiative, which is a part of a $28 million USDA funded institute for Rural Partnerships. The weather station will collect data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall, soil moisture, solar gain, and dew point. Each station is self-sufficient and updates data every 5 minutes. The goal is to have a WiscoNet weather station in every county in Wisconsin, currently there are approximately 56. Mesonet data will assist farmers and pilots, support fire weather prediction, assist in emergency planning and preparedness, support K-12 education, and so much more. See the current data of the Crandon weather station here —

Crandon Water & Sewer is now offering online bill pay. Follow the link below. Fees may apply.

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